I need anchors to keep me grounded, so I don’t disappear. And I find that creative containers work as anchors because they act as rituals that keep me steady in something familiar that I can show up for again and again. Sunday Candy is one of those creative containers, or rather, the main one that I maintained as a vital ritual. Other containers are my journals, my notepads, my folders, my binders, my notes, etc. But, they don’t all offer me ritual. This blog, though, is different. It is one of my current creative containers and it gives me the meaningful daily ritual I need amidst life’s shakiness.
It sounds silly, but small and steady acts keep me going. And I want to keep going. This way, I don’t lose touch with myself, which happens if I don’t have rituals that provide me with meaningful rhythm. I think it’s about self-preservation and self-expression. There’s a sense of “I’m still here” that is important to me. And small rituals make that manageable.
And, even the process of sharing half-baked whatevers is self-expression. It’s an attempt to honor my need to externalize something inside me, even if it’s not impressive, or interesting. I think the process itself is self-expression because it’s connected to how I’m navigating my life, structure, and change. This is a necessity, and it’s fun.
I’ll go back to Sunday Candy, but this has a structure and flexibility that is filling my current needs and acts as a stepping stone back. It’s part of a system, one I want to keep building. And I like the idea of creating more and more containers to add to my system, as my needs evolve.
…there was a point in time i was playing in five bands while doing whatever other small pieces of whatever o was doing and there was something so freeing about having small different pieces of me held in different places underneath different unbrellas…just putting stuff in a box is a powerful magic…the other day i wrote a one hundred phrase list out of possible names for my “substack”but eventually boredom won out and none took the mantle…part of me wants to change this container every day…not sure why…
It’s interesting you view them as containers? Can you elaborate?