Playlists are always on point, thanks for sharing!

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Gahhh this was exactly what I needed to hear in absolutely the most beautiful package. I found myself taking deep breaths while reading it, reminding myself to be present and just enjoy.

“Maybe even the tiniest sliver of stillness and silence, frosted in a golden gap of nothingness, is a gift, I think.” So poetic, this sounds like the best thing in the world.

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...i have no choice but to leave this music video here and then go take a nap with my dogs...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjxVeyhjp1U...

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Sandra Yvonne

Hi Sandra, you are so timely with your newsletter! This week I was thinking about quiet places and I been. What you wrote reminded me of sitting on the grassy ledge of the canal last week. It was so sunny and there was no one around. The water was like a mirror and all I could see were colours. So peaceful and pretty. I wanted to share one on my favourite quiet songs. It reminds me of a time before. Thanks Sandra :) https://open.spotify.com/track/1eEamYW6wUsG43BQa2JrWS?si=JLQcZMhTRre2g518h6c53A

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Wow, I needed this. The way you described The Quiet makes it SO enticing that it's getting rid of my guilt to be idle. I've always wondered - for people who used to go home from their factory shifts - they won't ever really think "OK should I work more now that I'm home?". And somehow we're now all wired this way.

Loved this bit: the tiniest sliver of stillness and silence, frosted in a golden gap of nothingness, is a gift.

It's always a treat (pun intended) to read your newsletter!

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Waaahhhoooo thirty two! Resonating so much with this: “It’s about pillowy daydreams and pleasure instead of productivity…It’s about letting my mind just be or think what it wants to think, even if it’s not ‘useful.’ Especially if it’s not useful.”

I love quiet too. Growing up in the city, I actually preferred the noise, it was like white noise. But I learned to love it, need it. I savor it. Quiet feels good. I sometimes feel guilty about having a quiet mind, and not thinking productive or intellectual thoughts. But now, it feels like a lil blessing since my world has become overstimulating and noisy again (lol work lol) but now I’ll look forward to those quiet thoughts. Thanks for sharing these candies 🍬🍫🍬🍫🍬🍫✨💙💃

I painted a portrait to your playlist this morning, and will also listen in the car this week, on a local drive with the windows down 😎

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Sandra Yvonne

Ohh quiet! Glad to read something by you on that precious topic. Enjoyed reading the stream of consciousness that reads almost like mine.

I recently found out that, at least for myself, there's something as "too much quiet". So I'm all for giving yourself that permission and endless So Whats to find out what's your limit, on then write about it to help me understand that other extreme.

Completely get that guilty feeling though, where does it come from? The Industrial Revolution? Ha! Maybe.

Also maybe "It’s about savoring the ephemeral, instead of succumbing to the eternal." is one of the most beautiful lines you've written. That ephemerality in turn makes it eternal? Maybe...

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Thank you for giving me permission to goof off on my next shrine quest in Zelda

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You are reliable for always creating a tender mood with your language Sandra. These flower-petal thoughts of yours encourage the kind of savoring you poetically describe. "Maybe the kindest and grandest thing you can give yourself, sometimes, is a slice of quiet. Maybe even the tiniest sliver of stillness and silence, frosted in a golden gap of nothingness, is a gift, I think." I happily drank in this and all the words that follow here this week, and yet my favorite part of your newsletters is this simple recurring two word reminder to "Stay Tender". Which so is often just the simplicity I need. Thanks again.

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“I want to be in emptiness and think without the pressure of a thought serving some purpose. And should every thought serve some purpose? Am I irresponsible if they don’t?” -- love this, Sandra. And it resonates so much. Somewhere I read that the thought that you let occupy your mind when you’re not supposed to think, the one that naturally appears, is probably the most important one you should let yourself think about. Like when you’re in the shower, what do you think about there, when your thoughts are free to drift shapelessly?

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Taking ‘and so what?’ with me into this week. Replacing the incessant shame of not doing with this sweet reminder. Thank you for sharing this piece 🍬

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You may be surprised (hahaha) but this is one of my favorite books


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